05 March 2013

Children in Church

The time is coming for the release of our book, Children in Church: Nurturing Hearts of Worship. We would certainly love for all of you to buy it. The publisher is Great Waters Press. The premise of the book is simple. We believe that it should be the goal of every Christian family to worship together at the corporate gatherings of the church.

I won't go into all the details here. That's what the book's for. I do, however, want to share with a video extolling the virtues of the book. This was totally unsolicited. I don't know this man and I don't even know how he got hold of an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC to those of is the know). He obviously "get's it," though.

So, I invite you to spend 4 minutes and 25 seconds with Brian Dempsey of Grace Online Library.

His review is here:

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