I remain a confirmed warrior in the “worship wars.”
What once seemed an innocuous attempt by evangelical churches to add a little
zest to their worship services, thus attracting new – and most importantly -
young attendees, has simply gone too far.
I was once at a conference at which the "worship leader," the
head of an international Christian organization, stood up and said, “We’re
being very flexible this morning. We can either worship now, or I’ll open the
This is what we’ve come to in our Christian vocabulary and
experience. We sing and clap for 15-30 minutes, with our children by our side.
We feel good that in the mix of songs our “worship team” has included one “old
hymn.” Then, having concluded worship, we open the Bible and send the kids away
to “Junior Church.”
Worship is not entertainment. Nor is it intended to be focused
on the alleged worshipper. Nick Needham, embedded with the worship warriors in
Scotland, views today’s tendencies in worship as the natural flow of events
stemming from “cultural pluralism.” Subjectivity is the order of the day as “worship
teams” tinker and experiment until they find just the right emotional charge
for each service. Needham describes the “tendency to construct and evaluate
worship in terms of the human subject … rather than in terms of the divine
object, God, the blessed self-revealing Trinity, and His will, word, and
activity.” In
other words, it’s all about us.*
God never said that we could make worship up as we go along.
He gave us some very specific items He wants in our worship. They include
music, prayer and His Word. With the emphasis on more and louder music in our
“celebrations” today, we barely have time to fit in a Scripture reading. It’s
more important for the Hawaiian shirt-clad “speaker” (many of these churches
have ceased using the archaic words Pastor, Preacher, or Reverend. They may
offend the sensitive visitors) to have properly coordinated his (or her) Power
Point presentation, than to have coordinated Scriptures from which to preach to
the lost, the hurting, the fatherless and the widows.
And, by the way, “never is heard a discouraging word.” These
people live in a happy, clappy world in which the mere mention of sin would be
an affront. No, we’ll counsel folks as they need if they come to the office on
Tuesday. Today, it’s “Seven Ways that Jesus Can Make You Happier,” or “They
Aren’t Really Lost, They Just Haven’t Learned Our Choruses, Yet.”
I Guess I’d better not get started on the difference between
“Contemporary Christian Praise Music” and hymns’ or the “emerging church.” Yes,
God’s Word instructs us to “make a joyful noise,” but that’s not the end of the
verse. We are to make a joyful noise “to the LORD.”!
I’m not against anything new. I’ve tried a few new things in
this century. I like music – and not just 200 year old hymns. But we’ve done a
terrible thing to worship. We’ve given it away. In our striving
to be accepted by man, we’ve turned our backs on God. He declared:
21 "I hate, I despise your
religious feasts;
I cannot stand
your assemblies.
Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not
accept them.
Though you bring
choice fellowship offerings,
I will have no
regard for them.
Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not
listen to the music of your harps. (Amos 5:21-23).
He who ordained worship in the first place; He who told
Israel how to sacrifice, now tells them to cease and desist. Why? Because their
hearts are in the wrong place. Because they were not obedient.
How much more would God despise empty “worship” which seeks
to be “friendly” rather than contrite and awed? How much more must he be
offended by our efforts to orchestrate an emotional outpouring rather than
expectantly waiting upon the Lord and hearing lessons from His Word about the
real world in which we live?
Let’s get back to the days when it meant something to raise
our voices in worship of “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!”
Through the Ages,” in Give Praise to God,
edited by Philip Graham Ryken, Derek W.H. Thomas, and J. Ligon Duncan
(Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing,
2003) p. 407.
Here's a link (funny) to someone who does not share my views.